Hot Stove #164 – Maskless at the K, Infield Frolics, Box Scores and Bob Dylan’s Baseball Playlist


Last weekend, Rita and I celebrated our 40th anniversary with a staycation at the Crossroads Hotel. It got off to a nice start on Friday evening when we met Richard Martin for drinks in the hotel bar. The Royals were on TV and we saw them score nine runs in the first inning. After winning that game, the Royals were three games over .500 and two games away from a Wild Card slot. Continue reading

Hot Stove #162 – Baseball: A Musical Love Letter

I normally would not hit your inbox so quickly again, but this message is time sensitive.

This past Saturday night, Rita and I attended the Lyric Opera performance of Baseball: A Musical Love Letter.

It was delightful. On so many levels.

The time sensitive issue: There are only three more performances. This coming Thursday (7:30), Friday (7:30) and Saturday (2:00). The performances are in the Michael and Ginger Frost Production Arts Building in the East Crossroads area – entrance at 18th and Charlotte. Continue reading