Hot Stove #27 – Cleveland Indians, World Series Champions 1920, 1948 and Maybe 2016

My dream matchup for the Series remains possible. The Cubs need to finish off the Dodgers at Wrigley this weekend. As I discussed in Hot Stove #25 and #26, my sentiment with the Cubs relates to the obscenely long time since their last World Series win. To give that some personal perspective: My grandparents immigrated to the United States from Eastern Europe in 1907. That year and the next, the Cubs won the World Series. Our family has expanded by five additional generations since then (yes, I have great-grandchildren), but the Cubs remain without another World Series title. It’s time. Here is another take based on the opening number of Hamilton: (click here, 3:47).

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Hot Stove #26 – Chicago Cubs, World Series Champions 1907, 1908 and Maybe 2016 (Part Two)

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Before getting into Part Two of that 1908 season, I’ll start with some current news.

Buck’s Bridge: I was out of town last week and so missed the dedication of the John Jordan “Buck” O’Neil Bridge. When Rita and I came in from the airport Friday night, we were excited to see the sign as we crossed the bridge on our way home. The dedication ceremony was held at the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum:

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